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Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the article “Perfect Timing for the Class of ‘06” written by Christine Perez in the May issue of NREI.

First, I would like to say that it was a great article and accurately reflects my own experiences with the job search process and with what employers are actively seeking today. And I understand that in a short article you are not able to include copious detail. However, for future articles about graduate real estate education, I hope you mention the first one-year master's program in real estate development: The MIT Center for Real Estate's Master of Science in Real Estate Development (

We take courses at the Center for Real Estate in development, finance, economics, design and legal issues from the foremost thinkers in those respective fields. Additionally, as part of the Harvard-MIT network, we often take courses at the Sloan School of Management, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT Department of Economics, Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Business School. I would argue that our program produces candidates of the highest caliber, comparable to any other school in the country.

Again, the article was great overall and I am only trying to introduce you to the existence of another major program in real estate. Keep up the excellent reporting.
Scott T. Nguyen
Master of Science in Real Estate Development Candidate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

We thank you for your support. Drop us a line with your comments at: 6151 Powers Ferry Road, N.W., Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30339. Or email Editor Matt Valley at [email protected]. Publisher Rich Santos can be reached at [email protected].

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