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Request for Qualifications - CITY OF SAN DIEGO North Bay Area: Redevelopment Opportunity Consists of Ninety-five Plus Acres of City-Owned Property.

REA-071902--This RFQ describes a development opportunity at the forefront of redevelopment in San Diego. Creative and capable developers or development teams are invited to submit information regarding their development expertise to enable the City to select a developer(s) for this redevelopment opportunity. The redevelopment opportunity consists of ninety-five plus acres of City-owned property and adjacent property located within and adjacent to the North Bay Redevelopment Project Area.

Proposal Submittal Due Date October 15, 2002
Bid Opening: July 19, 2002, 5:00 p.m.
Pre-Submission Conference: September 6, 2002, 10 a.m.
at the City Administration Building
202 C Street, 12th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101

Special Instructions: The Pre-Submission Conference is optional but respondents are strongly encouraged to attend.

For additional information contact:
Real Estate Assets
Chris E. Hargett, (619) 236-6676
[email protected]
RFQ Download Available - Visit our site and download the file

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